Free Medical health/Open Access Resources
Your guide to free medical resources especially if yoou in the developing world or third world nationsBelow is a list of open access resources extracted from the INASP . this list has been summarized for you below. You can clink on each to be directed straight to the resource. for more detail please visit the INASP page
American Medical Association
covers Dermatology; Facial Plastic Surgery; General Psychiatry; Internal Medicine; Neurology; Ophthalmology; Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery; Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and Archives of Surgery.
BioMed Central
BioMed Central has 257 peer-reviewed open access journals. The journals cover biology, biomedicine and medicine. All original research articles published by BioMed Central are made freely accessible online immediately upon publication.
BMJ Journals
Free access to the electronic version of the British Medical Journal Publishing Group's 25 specialist journals now including Evidence-based journals. These are freely accessible to anybody in the 100 poorest countries in the world. You need to subscribe but the standard subscription procedures at the BMJ subscription system will automatically recognise the origin of access and will give you access if you are n the 100 poorest countries
You can access abstract on cancer in the data database from the US National Cancer Institute.
eLife communicate influential discoveries in the life and biomedical sciences in the most effective way.
Essential Health Links
This is a Gateway- that is it leads you to selected Web sites of special interest to health professionals, medical library communities, publishers, and NGOs in developing and transitional countries. It covers General Resources including research networks, dictionaries, glossaries, disease classifications, evidence based medicine, full-text E-books, image collections, journals, newsletters, medical education resources, news, and WHO sites and a subject Index on areas such as Anaesthesiology, Basic Sciences, Dermatology, HIV/AIDS and information for Development, Internet Skills, Medical Informatics/E-Health, Publishing Tools.
Has many important medical textbooks
available online, free and in full-text not just an abstract or summary. has
600 titles in collection on AIDS, Anatomy, gynecology, dermatology, oncology,
infectious disease and others. access it at
This has 1380 full text journals on
various medical subjects such as Pediatrics, infectious diseases, New England
Journal of medicine, diabetes, hypertension, obstetrics and gynecology,
nutrition, surgery, anesthesiology and others. Access these articles for your
research at
600 titles , medical textbooks available online, free and
in full-text.Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Collection of open access and free journals in a wide range of medical disciplines.
Global Library of Women's Medicine
The Global Library of Women's Medicine (GLOWM) is designed to be a constantly evolving resource reflecting the very best of current medical opinion. Resources available include 442 specialist chapters on women's medicine, plus 53 supplementary chapters, authored by over 650 expert contributors citing more than 40,000 references.
This site offers access to the tables of contents and abstracts of 75 leading Indian journals. Access to this database is free and open to all users. See also for a one point resource of peer reviewed Indian biomedical literature covering full text of IndMED journals.
The Lancet publishes a weekly journal and six monthly specialty journals in the fields of global health, diabetes and endocrinology, oncology, neurology, respiratory medicine, and infectious diseases. All content published in The Lancet publications is freely available to readers residing in developing countries, as defined by the UNDP Human Development Index, via the recognition of geographical-based IP addresses (Geo-IP).
Contains over 250 medical textbooks arranged alphabetically in topics from Anatomy to Urology. Each textbook included is free to use, in part or in whole.
Mother, Infant and Young Child Nutrition & Malnutrition
This website and the links contained therein aim to address these shortfalls by offering online access to the latest worldwide developments in the fields of preventive and curative nutrition. A section of the resource is devoted to addressing mother and child nutrition and malnutrition in India.
POPLINE Database
POPLINE, has population, family planning, and related issues, is now available for free. All 280,000 citations, representing published and unpublished literature, can be accessed for no charge. Individuals from developing countries can request up to 15 fulltext documents per day through the document delivery service.
Public Health Online
provides accurate and expert-driven information and resources about public health topics, careers and the post-secondary educational landscape. they provide in-depth guidebooks and degree- and subject-focused pages. Information is provided in detailed articles, charts and graphs, interactive tools and maps, quizzes and more.
PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.To access the full text available, please make sure that the box "Free full-text only" is ticked when you perform your search.
The U.S. National Library of Medicine's digital archive of life sciences journal literature claims to offer open access to over 80,000 articles from over 100 journals. Access to much of the full text on PMC is free and unrestricted.
Royal College of Psychiatrists
The Royal College of Psychiatrists allows free access to the online full-text version of its three journals ('British Journal of Psychiatry', 'Psychiatric Bulletin' and 'Advances in Psychiatric Treatment') to 75 different developing countries.
Source is a key point of access to up-to-date, relevant information on international health and disability. Has abstracts and resources with many links to full text online are available, with many materials coming from developing countries. Topics including: disability, development and inclusion, HIV and AIDS, participatory communication, mother and child health, early childhood development, ICT and health.
WHO database (WHOLIS)
WHOLIS is the World Health Organization library database containing WHO publications and journal article since 1948. An on-site card catalogue provides access to the pre-1986 technical documents. It contains bibliographic information with subject headings and, for some records, abstracts and full text links are available.
WHO regional health and medical databases
This links to a collection of health and biomedical databases covering the following regions: Africa, Eastern Mediterranean, South-East Asia, Latin America and the Carribean (languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English), and Western Pacific. Each regional database includes resources that are not easily found elsewhere, as well as international journals.
WHO Reproductive Health Library
The WHO Reproductive Health Library (RHL) is an electronic review journal published by the Department of Reproductive Health and Research at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. RHL takes the best available evidence on sexual and reproductive health from Cochrane systematic reviews and presents it as practical actions for clinicians (and policy-makers) to improve health outcomes, especially in developing countries. There are separate portals available in French and Spanish.
World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA)
The WFSA publishes its own journal Update in Anaesthesia, as well asAnaesthesia Tutorial of the Week, an online training tool. Designed with the continuing education and training of anaesthesia providers in low and middle income countries in mind, these publications are relevant to all settings and are widely consulted. Use the resources tab on their website to see their full collection of Open Access resources, including the "Virtual Library" which allows teachers and providers of anaesthesia to search WFSA and other publications more specifically.
Thanks to all these publishers and orgnisations who allow for open access, who have paid it possible they are much appreciated.
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