Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on November 14. The World Diabetes
Day campaign is led by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and its
member associations. World Diabetes Day was created in 1991 by the
International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization in response
to growing concerns about the escalating health threat that diabetes now poses.
World Diabetes Day became an official United Nations Day in 2007 with the
passage of United Nation Resolution 61/225. The campaign draws attention to
issues of paramount importance to the diabetes world and keeps diabetes firmly
in the public spotlight. It is
celebrated on November 14, to mark the birthday of Frederick Banting who, along
with Charles Best, first conceived the idea which led to the discovery of
insulin in 1922. [ http://www.idf.org/worlddiabetesday/about].
What is diabetes?
Diabetes is
a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough
insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.
Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. Hyperglycaemia, or raised
blood sugar, is a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes and over time leads to
serious damage to many of the body's systems, especially the nerves and blood
347 million
people worldwide have diabetes. In 2004, an estimated 3.4 million people died
from consequences of fasting high blood sugar. A similar number of deaths has
been estimated for 2010. More than 80% of diabetes deaths occur in low- and
middle-income countries.
Type 1 diabetes
Type 1
diabetes (previously known as insulin-dependent, juvenile or childhood-onset)
is characterized by deficient insulin production and requires daily
administration of insulin. The cause of type 1 diabetes is not known and it is
not preventable with current knowledge.
include excessive excretion of urine (polyuria), thirst (polydipsia), constant
hunger, weight loss, vision changes and fatigue. These symptoms may occur
Type 2 diabetes
Type 2
diabetes (formerly called non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset) results from
the body’s ineffective use of insulin. Type 2 diabetes comprises 90% of people
with diabetes around the world (5), and is largely the result of excess body
weight and physical inactivity.
Symptoms may
be similar to those of Type 1 diabetes, but are often less marked. As a result,
the disease may be diagnosed several years after onset, once complications have
already arisen.
recently, this type of diabetes was seen only in adults but it is now also
occurring in children.
Gestational diabetes
diabetes is hyperglycaemia with onset or first recognition during pregnancy.
Symptoms of
gestational diabetes are similar to Type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes is
most often diagnosed through prenatal screening, rather than reported symptoms.
Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and
impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG)
glucose tolerance (IGT) and impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG) are intermediate
conditions in the transition between normality and diabetes. People with IGT or
IFG are at high risk of progressing to type 2 diabetes, although this is not
for more information visit WHO diabetes
[ source: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs312/en/index.html]
Online Publications on diabetes
Diagnostic Criteria and Classification of Hyperglycaemia First Detected
in Pregnancy
22 August 2013
22 August 2013
Use of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
Abbreviated report of a WHO consultation
14 January 2011
Abbreviated report of a WHO consultation
14 January 2011
Definition and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and intermediate
Report of a WHO/IDF consultation
14 January 2006
Report of a WHO/IDF consultation
14 January 2006
Prevention of blindness from diabetes mellitus
Available at the WHO page http://www.who.int/diabetes/publications/en/
Available at the WHO page http://www.who.int/diabetes/publications/en/
Journal of
diabetes and metabolism available www.omicsonline.org/diabetes-metabolism.php
Journal of
diabetes and metabolic disorders www.jdmdonline.com
and diabetes www.nature.com/nutd/
Journal of
diabetes mellitus www. scrip.org/journal/jdm/
The open
diabetes journal www. benthamscience.com/open/todiaj/
Print Books in the library collection
Clinical endocrinology and diabetes by Chew, Shern L
Diabetes Atlas
Diabetes for dummies/Jarvis, Sarah.
Oxford handbook of endocrinology and diabetes /
Turner, Helen
Williams textbook of endocrinology.
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